Found sad old hidden note to now bury a la Billy goats grimacing, bit flex shingles with once her claw and then said inspirational

       Some sampling fragmentation scale of spirits obesity.     A captured snap photo ⁶66

               Anyone would.

Are you going to be gone, already, soon? Because I am so fucking sick of you. So fucking sick of your bullshit, you fucking stupid, drama causing…. there is so much bullshit that would not be in my life mainly it wasn’t for the stress and anxiety you’ve brought into my it and not!!!! I’m trying to stay sober! And fuck you, I barely have. I will not write about the fucking shit you’ve done to hurt me or how hurt I am it doesn’t make me feel any better! Fuck! God fucking damn every time with you irritating-as-fuck hence worth shit colored

I do everything!!! You take a few hours or even a day and think you can equate it to what I have turned my life into. Do you I hear you making life sound like I am doing something to you to make things hard as you speak to your son in the other room? I do everything for you!…. why?! Why do i?!

You don’t love me. I am not your ex husband..this is not your marriage…..   wu6


Ending q o

     I’ve abused betrayed and bit the bill in half throughout the night, you’re guilt tripping me for not being able to fuck is hilarious crock of fortune?

Stuttering different hands will shake when ghosts adore isolated seekers in the mind